This is primarily a reading-comprehension exercise, so it might be a good idea to work with students to make sure they identify all the steps and provide adequate descriptions of the process. Then have students work in pairs or trios to complete the chart on Handout 2 that shows the steps a candidate must go through in order to be confirmed.Distribute Handout 2: “Supreme Court Confirmation Flow Chart” to students and review the Supreme Court Confirmation Process. In this activity students will review the process of selecting justices to the Supreme Court.Part II – The process for selecting and confirming a Supreme Court Justice A health care insurance company has been ordered to pay for additional treatment requested by a patient.A recent bill to increase funding for education was passed again after it was rejected.companies establishing off shore companies is ruled constitutional… A recent law closing a tax reduction for U.S.A replacement suggestion for the position of Attorney General has been given to Congress.A bill is passed outlawing American citizens from making contributions to Middle East charitable organizations.A law, recently passed in a state legislature banning gay marriages, is being challenged as unconstitutional.

The United States has signed a peace treaty with Iran.A bill recently passed to allow citizens to choose their own health care plan under Medicare.Homeland Security officials have been ordered to open suspicious packages they believe might be from terrorists.Then ask the other two groups to determine if they have the power to “check” the branch exercising their power and what power would they exercise to check that branch. Review the following circumstances with the class asking the student groups to raise their hands when they hear a circumstance where their branch has power to act.Designate each group to be one of the three branches of government. Have them move together in their groups so that there is space between each group. Rearrange students back into the three large groups.Pass out Handout 1: “Declare Your Powers” and have students review the directions and the chart in their small groups. Then have each group separate into smaller groups of two or three. Divide students into three large groups.The chart depicting the separation of powers/checks and balances can be passed out as homework the day before the activity starts. This first activity helps students understand the dynamics of separation of powers/checks and balances and how the factors interplay with current issues. There is also a list of vocabulary words that are used in Part III which students should know before the activities are conducted. These can be modified at the teacher’s discretion. The lesson is divided up into three steps. Constitution 3) the political and sometimes partisan side of the confirmation process that involves different philosophies of constitutional interpretation and jurisprudence. This lesson examines different aspects of the balance of power among the branches and the process of judicial nomination and confirmation: 1) how the court (and the entire judicial system) are an important part of the system of checks and balances 2) the process for selecting members to the judiciary and how selection process is a fundamental part of the separation of powers/checks and balances in the U.S. With Justice Souter’s recent announcement that he will step down at the end of the term President Obama has to nominate a replacement justice. Students will examine real life circumstances related to the constitutional operation of the judicial selection process and understand how partisan politics can play a role in the process.Students will understand the process for selecting and confirming a Supreme Court justice and how participation by the other two branches helps maintain the balance of power.Students will understand the system of Separation of Powers/Checks and Balances related to recent events prompting action by one or more of the three branches of government.By Greg Timmons, teacher and Executive Director of The Constitution Project in Portland, Oregon Subject(s)Ĭivics, Current Events, Government, Social Studies Estimated Time: